How I caught the entrepreneurial bug

The earliest 'entrepreneurial' memory I have is when I was about 16 years old. I had been playing The Sims for a while and had gotten into the habit of downloading custom clothes, furniture,...

My capsule wardrobe: only 29 pieces

For anyone that doesn't know what a capsule wardrobe is, it's basically a 'functional approach to your wardrobe' (my kinda thing!). According to Wikipedia: "The term has come to refer to a collection of clothing...

Why I store my clutter

As a self-proclaimed minimalist, I try to keep my house tidy and organised. This means that I try to be mindful of the things I purchase and bring into my home, but ... I'm...

How I keep track of my (actual) monthly spending

When I ask people if they know how much they spend on a monthly basis, they usually start adding up things like groceries, rent, utilities, phone bills, etc. Those are the obvious costs. It's important...

Why I sleep in my workout gear

Or do I work out in my pyjamas? Sure, it might seem nice to wear a moisture-wicking, breathable, high-tech fabric tank top when you're out running. But is that really necessary? And do you really need...

Things I’ve learned (note: I’m still learning)

I’ll be 30 soon! Time for a recap of everything I’ve learned in this lifetime. So … here’s a list of things I try to live by. Things that help me get through life...

I got my mojo back!

And I didn't even know I lost it ... OMG, ik was vergeten hoe graag ik ergens anders ben! Niet dat ik niet graag in Gent ben, au contraire! Gent is my city. I love...

wijsland was de max!

wow! wat een prachtig land! overal waar je kijkt zie je bergen, water, schapen, paarden, boerderijtjes, elfen en draken. en een beetje noorderlicht ... die 10 dagen mochten er zeker meer zijn (behalve voor mijn...

i’m human after all!

21/3 - op naar Cairns, alwaar we gaan bungee jumpen! alle ja ... de hostel is best OK. waarmee ik wil zeggen dat de wifi eindelijk eens gratis is en nog deftig werkt ook ......

i was on a boat

13/3 - we komen rond 7u30 toe in de hostel en mogen gelukkig al inchecken. tijd voor een dutje dus! daarna gaan we een 2de dutje doen aan de ‘lagune’ hier voor de deur....


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